Nobody Asked Me

Editorial pages are becoming things of the past. Sad. As I was taught by many better journalists than I, the opinion page is the life-blood of a good community newspaper.

The opinion page is one of the main reasons why people buy a newspaper. So, what is happening to them? Are people just afraid to offend anyone anymore? As long as a paper gives their readers an opportunity to voice their own opinions, too, that shouldn't be a problem. Are many editors just too busy to write good opinion pieces? That is a real possibility.

For 11 years, I was a newspaper publisher. OK, that’s not a lifetime, but during those years, I learned from the likes of Dave Krantz, Chuck Baldwin, Tim Waltner and Bernie and Brian Hunhoff just how important it is for a newspaper to have a good editorial page. Sadly, though, it seems that many newspapers have gotten away from including an editorial page. Even the largest newspaper in South Dakota, the Sioux Falls Argus Leader, has abandoned the editorial page for six out of seven issues a week. That doesn’t just include their own editorials, but any letters that readers would write in.

So, I am going to help people out! As the former publisher and editor of the Yankton County Observer, I have won many awards for my editorial writing, and I am going to offer those talents to everyone. For only $15 per week, I am syndicating a new editorial column that you can add to your newspaper. This will allow you to start or grow your editorial page, while not having to always take the time to wite something yourself.

On this page there are several sample columns which should give you an idea of what I can do. I am a registered Independent, and I consider myself "middle of the road" and very practical in my political ideas. (Although, to some people in South Dakota, that makes me a "flaming liberal"!)

All of my columns will essentially end the same way, "Agree? Disagree? Email me at and let me know your thoughts and opinions." (That gives all publishers and editors the ability to blame me, if someone doesn't like something!!)

Please, contact me at 605-660-3958 and leave a message so we can talk more. If you don't want to go weekly, other arrangements can be made. There is no contract or obligation for this serivce, so you really have nothing to lose by trying my columns.

If you are new (or a veteran) in the newspaper business, buying my column will also get you advice on layout, content or anything else newspaper related at no extra charge, if that is something you desire.

Call me today at 605-660-3958 or email, and I will contact you right away to get you started.

This is just a simple website to give you the opportunity to read some of my more recent columns. All columns will be emailed as Microsoft Word files, unless other arrangements are made.

By the way, if the column sounds familiar, it should. "Nobody Asked Me" was the name of the award winning column by my friend and partner, Wayne Pibal. Wayne passed away suddenly in 2013, and it is in his honor that I decided to use this name and follow in his footsteps of presenting a "tell-it-like-it-is" look at state and national politics.