Common Sense Educator Certification

Spring 2020 Cohort

How can we create a culture that empowers students to think critically, communicate effectively and create & innovate with technology? Join Common Sense Education to learn about the elements necessary to create a positive culture of digital citizenship.

Complete the steps below. Earn a badge that publicly affirms your commitment to helping students think critically and use technology responsibly to learn, create, and participate. Our next online cohort will begin in March.

Online Participation in google classroom will Begin in MArch

Step One: Learn

Choose two professional learning opportunities from the list below to level up your teaching practice.


Step Two: Do

Part A. Plan and teach digital citizenship.

Part B. Connect families with useful resources.

Part A. Choose One.

  • Classroom Educator - Using any of the resources below, teach a digital citizenship lesson using Common Sense Education resources.
  • Non classroom Educator (administration, counselor, principal, etc.): Using the resource provided below, create, oversee, and/or develop the site-wide implementation of Common Sense Education resources.

Part B: Choose at least one.

Step three: reflect

Share your experience with others, reflect on the question below and submit your application.


  • Use Flipgrid or your choice of G Suite tool (Docs, Slides, Drawings, etc.) to respond to the following question: What impact do you think becoming a Common Sense Educator has had on you or your students?
  • Submit your Common Sense Educator application.
  • Celebrate your success!