"Be active. Promoting ICT in Flipped

Classroom Methodology"

What is the project about?

"Be Active" is an international project that includes four nations (Italy, Spain, Hungary and Romania) in week-long cultural exchanges in the homecountries of the students involved in the project. The project will last 2 years (from December 2018 to January 2020).

The goal is to teach students how to use new technologies, from robots to mobile phones, using a new experimental approach called "flipped classroom" (for more information press the button at the top right hand called "flipped classroom"): this project is financed by the European Union precisely to test these new teaching methods.

These are the four partners in the project:


Constantin Brâncoveanu

Pécsi Apáczai Csere JánosÁltalános Iskola

stucom centre d'estudis


Photo of the first day of the project in Italy: here we are in Verona for a sightseeing tour of the city.