Principia College
Laptop Program
Principia College is introducing a pilot program to help students that need a laptop during the term. This program is available to all students and is managed by the Academic Technology Office and the Marshall Brooks Library.
There is a pool of 30 laptops, 20 Apple Macbook Pros and 10 Dell Windows computers, available to full-time college students to borrow and use up to one semester.
Student Responsibilities
Return Deadline
Students borrowing laptops must return the laptops, charger and case:
No later than 5:00 pm, the Monday after finals of the term in which it was borrowed.
Hand directly to a library staff member at the library’s front desk. DO NOT LEAVE IT UNATTENDED and do not place it in the outdoor dropbox.
Request a return receipt and keep receipt as proof of return.
Student Agreement
The following agreement details all expectations from students borrowing a laptop. Students will be required to signed the agreement when receiving the laptop.
How to Request a Laptop
To get started fill out the form below.
Principia College Laptop Request Form
Once your request is submitted, our team will check for laptop availability. We will email your Principia account letting you know if a laptop is available and arrange pick up.
Have Questions?
If you have any questions contact the Academic Technology Office or visit the Library team.