Journeys off Campus

We took up a whole restaurant in the Poconos!

Intersession Trips

Every intersession (the break between the two semesters) the MSA takes a multi-day trip somewhere together! 

This year, on a student vote, we went snow tubing. In the past, we have also gone on skiing trips, Halal Food tours in New York, and visits of the beautiful Diyanet Islamic Center in Maryland. 

ORL Trips

These are trips where the Office of Religious Life, the Muslim Life Program, and sometimes other groups cosponsor a trip, often interfaith in it's nature.

This year, (Pre-COVID-19) we were supposed to go on an exciting trip to Senegal to explore Christian-Muslim sacred spaces and relations there. In previous years, trips have been led to Oman and other places. Usually open to all Muslim students to apply to!

Celebrating the end of semester 1 at the Route 1 Diner
Laser tag!!

Movies, Diners, and More!

When a big movie is coming out, sometimes the MSA will pay for cars (and sometimes tickets) to go watch them together! Most notably recently with Infinity War, Endgame, and the Joker. We also sometimes go for other fun activities, like Laser Tag and Bowling! As usual, we more than welcome friends of MSA members as well, Muslim or not! 

During Ramadan, and on possible occasions through the year, the MSA also rents cars and goes on trips to local food places to eat good! As usual, all are welcome, and the trips are paid for!

We can often go to events that other MSAs host. Usually the MSA pays for or at least subsidizes the transport to each of these trips. These events happen annually, and are usually a great way to meet people from even more diverse walks of life than Princeton offers, and also a wonderful means of spiritual and general networking! 

Events with Other MSAs

Student Initiated

There is also always room for trips that students themselves want to suggest and organize. We could get them paid for!

Over the past few years, the MSA has done some of these, including a trip to Six Flags during Reading Period and  trip to Harlem, with visits to Malcolm X's grave (RA) and beautiful historically Muslim sites.

If you have an idea for a trip, feel free to reach out to one of the board members!