Regular Programming

Weekly Jummah

Weekly Friday prayers are held on the first floor of Murray-Dodge Hall on Fridays starting at 1:20 PM (with samosas after). They are lead by various speakers, teachers, and scholars week to week. For more information on our daily prayer space, please click here.

A make your own rice-krispy treats study break!

Study Breaks

The MSA hosts weekly study breaks with food frequently throughout the semester. These are usually just a time to grab food, relax, and hang out! This past semester we had many study breaks during peak exam season, so that our members could find a place to destress for a little while. We also had activity oriented study breaks, such as a cooking night!

Dhikr and Desserts

This weekly event is perfect for even those with the busiest schedules. Meant to be short and sweet, students gather on a weekday night to recite dhikr and eat sweet treats afterwards. The program usually consists of Isha prayer, dhikr, a short reflection, and free sweets!

A make your own rice-krispy treats study break!
A beautiful Kalaam Kafe on navigating Mental Health issues in Muslim communities

Kalaam Kafe

Kalaam Kafe is a ~ bi-weekly discussion group that all are welcome to. Essentially, a topic relevant to us is chosen, and while we have moderators from students, it is really an open discussion group to get students to hear one another's perspectives and to grow together!

Quran Club

Quran Club provides students with a space to relax and read the Quran alongside others to whatever capacity they wanted! Whether this meant just memorizing, reciting generally, reading translation; the important thing is doing it together!

Once a week for an hour, but people make goals here to read on their own as well!

Muslim Life Program

Imam Khalil also leads weekly events for students, particularly the Chaplain Cares dinners, Quran Study Circles and Seerah Circles. MSA students by and large participate in these as well!Â