Artroom with Ms. B.
Contact me! Ms RoseMarie Brescia
All assignments (with due dates) will be posted to Google Classroom.
Grading: finished work - 80%
self-reflection for each project - 10%
sketchbook - 10%
***A Note on Grades: Students receive a grade in Art that becomes part of the GPA, just as in any other class; however, students' grades in art are influenced by several factors (some listed below) and are NEVER based on a comparison to each others' artwork. The following questions should be part of your evaluation of your own accomplishment for each project:
1. have I submitted the project on time?
2. have I completed each element of the project as assigned?
3. have I used my time well in class? (Do I participate in discussions and contribute to group learning? Am I easily distracted by others and/or distract others from their own work? Do I come prepared to class, ready to engage in an artistic pursuit? Do I set up and clean up supplies neatly and efficiently? )
4. have I produced my very best work, and put forth consistent effort, to present a high-quality art project?
Remember, the teacher does not GIVE you a grade, you EARN your grade.
Classroom Procedures:
1 student at a time
present hall pass to be signed
Music Options during Non-Instructional Time
wireless earphones are NOT PERMITTED; students may listen to music through the Chromebook, with one wired earphone (one ear must be available to hear instructions); videos that accompany the music are not to be played, and inappropriate lyrics may not be displayed
jazz, classical, easy-listening music may be played over classroom system for all to hear
all music will be turned off during instructional time
Kiln Room
kiln room will be used for washing hands and materials
other students' clay work on shelves may be admired but should not be touched
reminder that camera in room streams to school office
students are free to chose/change their seats each class; however, number of students per table must stay the same as in first class
if seating choices become unworkable, students will be assigned seats.
students are expected to set up, use, and clean up all art supplies quietly and efficiently
art room/supplies should be left in good condition for next class
supply cabinet to right of fireplace for teacher use only - please do not access these supplies during class