Updates to the Rich Text Editor

(Different Layout and New Tools)

The D2L Rich Text Editor has a new look.  Several items have been moved, and a few items are new.

The Rich Text Editor appears at the top of a text box throughout D2L, including in Announcements, Content Pages, Assignments, Discussions, and Quizzes.  It is used to edit text font, size, and layout, and also to insert videos, images, and links.

The updated Rich Text Editor is already active on the New Assignment Editor, and it will become active throughout D2L in August or September 2021.

What Has Moved

Insert Media Links:  The icons for inserting videos, images, and links have moved from the far-left to the center-right of the top row.  These icons also look a little different.  The video icon includes play, pause, and stop icons, while the image icon now looks like a picture instead of a camera.

Text Formatting:  Icons for selecting text headings, font style, and font size have moved left or to the second row.   The default text style is now Lato, while the font style size shows only the points without the 1, 2, or 3 in front of it.

Accessibility and HTML Tools:  The icons for the spell checker, the accessibility checker,  the HTML editor, and the page preview have moved from the bottom-right to the second row of the Rich Text Editor.  Icons are no longer present at the bottom-right corner of the text box.  The spell checker has been removed, and spelling will now be checked as you type.  Also, the expand page icon (the big X) has been moved to the top row of the Rich Text Editor.

Table and Equation Icons:  The icons for inserting tables and equations have moved to a new icon called "Other Insert Options" (the big +).  Table options have also been grouped into categories for cells, rows, columns, and other properties.  The Equations icon still provides the same four types of equations:  graphical, latex, math, and chemistry.

What's New

Other Insert Options:  The big + icon includes four new tools:

Format Painter and Word Counter:  Two new icons are on the second row of the Rich Text Editor.  The Format Painter allows writers to copy text formatting styles from one section of the page and apply it to another section.  The Word Counter counts words, characters, and paragraphs for the whole page or for a selection of text.

The Dept. of Online Learning provides support, collaboration, and faculty development in instructional design and online pedagogy. 

We also provide technical support and troubleshooting for faculty and students.