D2L Quiz Feedback

D2L Quizzes can provide useful feedback to students by identifying areas of strength and weakness and suggestions for future learning.

This page provides instructions on how you can incorporate feedback into a D2L Quiz.

Step 1 (Optional):  Add Feedback to Individual Questions

You can provide feedback on individual questions, like this:

Existing Questions

To add feedback to an existing question, select the Quiz or Exam to edit, go to the “Properties” tab, and click the “Add/Edit Questions” button.  Then, select the question you would like to edit.

New Questions

To add feedback on a new question, go into the Quiz or Exam, go to the "Properties" tab, and click the "Add/Edit Questions" button.  Click “Add,” then “New Question,” and select Multiple Choice.

In the question editor:

Feedback boxes will appear under each answer choice.  Add feedback into each box.

Click "Save and Close" when done, and proceed to additional questions, or Save and Close the exam.

Step 2 (Optional):  Add Comments While Grading

For Multiple Choice and True-False questions, the generic question feedback (shown above) may be sufficient.  But you may also want to add customized feedback that is unique for every student, especially on short answer or essay style questions.  You can add this kind of feedback while grading.

Go to the Quizzes area, click the down-arrow next to the quiz, then select “Grade.”

Overall Exam Feedback

To add overall feedback for an exam, click on the link for “Attempt 1” (or another attempt) for a student.  You will see the student’s full quiz.

Add overall feedback at the top of the exam in the box for "Attempt Feedback."  (You can also adjust the student’s overall score.)

Scroll down to add feedback to an individual question, or click "Update" to save.

Question-Specific Feedback

To add feedback to an individual question, scroll down to the question, and click “Expand Question Feedback,” then add a comment in the "Feedback" box.

(You can also adjust the score for each question.)

When finished, scroll down to add feedback to additional questions, or scroll back up, and click “Update” to save your comments and the student’s new score.

Step 3:  Create an Additional Review Session After the Quiz or Exam

By default, students see only their score when they complete a quiz or exam.  They do not see the text of questions, answer choices, or any other feedback, including instructor comments.  In order to allow students to see questions, answers, correct answers, incorrect answers, and feedback, you’ll have to create a review session.

To create a review session, go to the D2L Quizzes area, and click on the quiz to edit it.  Then, click on the tab for “Submission Views” and “Add Additional View.”

On the next page, assign a Name for the additional view (you can call it anything), and add an optional description in the Message to help you remember what this review sessions shows.

Add the Date and Time when students can start to view quiz feedback.

Add a checkmark (and the amount of time) if you want to limit the amount of time students can view questions, answers, and feedback.  Leave the box blank to allow unlimited review time.

Further below, in the "View Details" area, select “Yes,” then select from the two sets of options:

There is a balancing act here between providing the feedback students need so they can continue to learn but also promoting academic integrity for the future by protecting exam questions and answers.

Click “Save” at the bottom when done.

You will see the new review session at the bottom of the page. 

Click “Save and Close” at the bottom of the exam to finish.

Instructions for Students

Here are directions you can provide to students so they can view feedback on Quizzes and Exams.

Go to the D2L Quizzes area, and click on the link for "Feedback" next to the quiz or exam.

Click on your Attempt to view quiz questions, answers, and feedback (as specified by the instructor in the “Additional View”).

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