D2L Self-Assessments

Self-Assessments are ungraded practice quizzes under the Assessments tab on D2L that can be used to provide students instant feedback so they can reflect on their learning and adjust how they study.

Self-Assessments do not generate a score, and they cannot be linked to the D2L Gradebook.  Instructors cannot even see if students have completed them.  However, students could write a post self-assessment reflection for submission to an assignment or discussion (which can be graded).

How to Create a Self-Assessment for Students

Click on the Assessment tab and select "Self Assessment," then click "New Self Assessment."

Add a Name for the Self-Assessment, such as "Chap. 1 Practice Quiz."

Optional:  On the "Page Header," select "on" to provide instructions.  Type instructions and other information in the box.   (Consider adding a statement to clarify that the self-assessment will not be graded and that it is only for the student's own reflection.)

Click "Save and Close."

Return to the Self-Assessments area, click the down-arrow next to the title, and select "Edit."

Click the box to add-edit questions, then click "New" and select the question type, or select "Import" to choose a question from the question bank or to upload questions in bulk.

Questions for the Self-Assessment are similar to question types in a regular D2L Quiz or Exam.

Include feedback for each question by clicking "Options" on the upper right and selecting "Add Feedback."

Then, add feedback below each answer option.

Feedback usually informs students whether the answer option is correct or incorrect, and it provides an explanation, links to resources, and encouragement to try again.

Feedback can include text, images, videos, and links.

Click "Save" at the bottom.

When you have finished creating all questions, click "Done Editing Questions" on the far right, then "Save and Close" at the bottom of the Self-Assessment.

What Students See

When students click on a Self-Assessment, they see instructions (if there are any), and the list of questions.  There is no "Start Quiz" button, no timer, and no "Submit Quiz" button.

Students see each question, they select an answer choice, and they immediately view feedback in a pop-up window.  (If the question does not have feedback, they see only the question and the answer choices.)  That's it.  There is no score or anything else.

Students can take the Self-Assessment as many times as they want.  They can also change answers to reveal feedback for each answer choice, and they can click on any links that are provided.  Afterwards, they can reflect on which concepts they understand and which ones they should review.

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