Create an Exam Review Session

An Exam Review Session allows instructors to provide feedback to students, and it allows students to review their answers on the exam. This option is not enabled by default. Instructors will need to enable review options for each quiz or exam.

To enable an Exam Review Session:

  • Click on the Assessments tab, then click Quizzes.

  • Click the down-arrow next to the title of a quiz or exam, then click Edit.

  • Click on the "Submission Views” tab.

The “Default View” shows what students are able to see after they submit an exam. By default, students can view only their exam score; they cannot view any instructor feedback or their answers.

Create an “Additional View” to enable students to see the instructor feedback and their answers. Begin by clicking on the box for “Add Additional View.

On the new page for the Additional View:

  • Add a Name for this “additional view,” and add an optional Description in the text box as a reminder of what this view shows.

  • In the “View Restrictions” area, select the Date and Time when the Review Session will become available. (Consider whether students should see exam results before their next attempt, before all students have completed an attempt, or after all students have completed all of their attempts.)

  • In the “Limited Duration” area, add a checkmark and specify the number of minutes students are able to review the exam, or leave it blank to allow an unlimited amount of time for review.

In the “View Details” area:

  • Select "Yes" to enable students to view exam questions.

  • Then, select one of the four options on which type of questions students can view. Options include:

      • questions answered incorrectly

      • questions answered correctly

      • skipped questions

      • completed questions

  • Indicate whether students can see their answers and the correct answer.

Click “Save” when finished.

The new view will appear at the bottom of the page on the “Submission Views” tab.

Click “Save and Close” when finished.

For more information and support, contact Online Learning.