Post, Edit, or Delete Announcements

Announcements are an important part of online learning and a useful tool for keeping students informed. Announcements are the first thing a student sees in the online course, and, if students have enabled their D2L alerts and notifications, announcements can also go to a student's email. Announcements can be used to provide information and direction to students, and they can also increase the instructor’s presence in the online course.

Many instructors use an announcement at the beginning of the semester to provide a welcome message to students and an overview of the course. Instructors also use announcements throughout the semester to provide:

  • assignment reminders

  • links to live sessions on Google Meet

  • a weekly overview – a list of learning goals and activities for the week

  • information about clinicals, labs, and any other meetings outside of a regular face-to-face classroom

  • any other kind of update about the course, such as about new modules, new course content, or graded materials

Post a New Announcement

To post a new announcement, go to the Course Home page, and click on the down-arrow next to Announcements, then select “New Announcement Item.”

Alternatively, you could select “Go to Announcement Tool,” then click “New Item” in the Announcements area.

On the New Announcement page:

  • add a short headline

  • type a message in the content box

You can use the Rich Text Editor to change the size and style of the text, add colors, and insert images, videos, and links.

In the “Availability” section:

  • Select the Start Date and Time when the announcement will become available. (Announcements can be posted immediately, or they can be scheduled for a future date and time.)

  • Add a checkmark and select the End Date and Time to hide the announcement at a future date and time.

Hiding announcements is useful once the information is no longer relevant; for example, the link for a Google Meet session may be unique to only one session. (Students can also dismiss individual announcements on their own page.)

Attach files in the “Attachments” section.

D2L accepts many common file types, such as PDF, PowerPoint, Word documents, images (jpg, jpeg, png), and videos.

When you are finished, click “Publish.”

Delete or Edit an Announcement

To delete or edit an existing announcement, click on the drop-down arrow next to title of the announcement, and click “Edit” or “Delete.”

In the editing area, you can change title, the content of the message itself, the start and end dates, and you can add or remove attachments.

Click “Publish” when you are done.

For more information and support, contact Online Learning.