Pine Plains Federation of Educators

Executive Council Officers:

President – Renee Rundall (rrundall@ppfe.org)

Vice President – Nick Dean (ndean@ppfe.org)

Secretary – Kerri Anne Lyman (kalyman@ppfe.org)

Treasurer – Matthew Ray (mray@ppfe.org)

NYSTRS Delegate - Neil Murray (nmurray@ppfe.org)

NYSTRS Alternate - Gerard Lisella (glisella@ppfe.org)

PPFE Building Representatives

Cold Spring – Jen Chase (jchase@ppfe.org) and Erin Essery (eessery@ppfe.org)

Seymour Smith – JoAnne LaRobardier (jlarobardier@ppfe.org) and April Stark (astark@ppfe.org)

Stissing Mountain Jr. High – Scott Dell’Amore (sdellamore@ppfe.org) and Kerri Seidel (kseidel@ppfe.org)

Stissing Moutain Sr. High – Corinna Burton (cburton@ppfe.org) , John Schoonmaker (jschoonmaker@ppfe.org), and Christa Brenner (cbrenner@ppfe.org)

SPED/PPS Department – Elementary: Stephanie Brockway (sbrockway@ppfe.org) and Secondary: Julie Wendover (jwendover@ppfe.org)