Tue May 22

JavaScript Wrap-Up & Practice

9 – 12h Teaching


  • Hélène


  • I can explain the difference between HTML/CSS and JavaScript
  • I understand the concepts of variable, condition, loop, array & function
  • I know how to manipulate HTML elements with Javascript
  • I practice JavaScript
  • I have set up a tipp10 account to start learning 10-finger touch typing

RECAP – Week 04

Kiran's slides:

12 – 13.30h Lunch (TBD)

13.30 – 17h Coaching


  • Benoît

JavaScript Practice 1

  • Open your Portfolio home page and add this "about me" section where it fits best:
    <li>Nickname: <span id="nickname"></span>
    <li>Hobby: <span id="hobby"></span>
    <li>Hometown: <span id="hometown"></span>
  • Add a <script> tag to the bottom of the HTML body.
  • (In the JavaScript) Change the body tag's style so it has a font-family of "Arial, sans-serif".
  • (In the JavaScript) Insert in each of the spans (nickname, hobby, hometown) your own information.
  • Iterate through each li and change the class to "list-item".
  • Add a tag that sets a rule for .list-item to make the color red.
  • Create a new img element and set its src attribute to a picture of you. Append that element to the page.

Solution (View page source)

JavaScript Practice 2

  • Add a new <ul> section to your personal home page with the ID "my_books".
  • In the JavaScript section, create an array of objects of your favourite books, similar to this:
  var books = [
      title: 'The Design of EveryDay Things',
      author: 'Don Norman',
      alreadyRead: false
    }, {
      title: 'The Most Human Human',
      author: 'Brian Christian',
      alreadyRead: true
  • Now iterate (loop) through this list. For each book, create a <li> element within your "my_books" list with the book name and author.
  • Bonuses:
    • Add an <img> to each book
    • Change the style of the book depending on whether you have read it or not.

Solution (View page source)

JavaScript Practice 3

Use JavaScript to display the current day, date and time in the following format.

Sample Output :

Today is : Friday

Date: dd/mm/yyyy

Current time is : 2 PM : 32 : 10

Solution (View page source)

JavaScript Practice 4

Use JavaScript to get the width and height of the window (any time the window is resized).

Solution (View page source)

JavaScript Practice 5

  • Create this result:

Use Array (list), loop and insert the values in <p></p>

Solution (View page source)

JavaScript Practice 6

Generate many images!

  • Create an Array of images and insert it in you HTML
  • Set the width of you images to 20%

Solution (View page source)

Most type with 2 fingers only!

  • Create a a login on tipp10.de
  • Enhance your typing skills - practice 10-finger touch typing!