Mon Dez. 18

REST API & Mentor Feedback

9 – 10h Teaching

  • Ana S.

REST - Representational state transfer


10.30 – 12h

  • Sunita

Mentor Workshop

12 – 13.30h Lunch

13.30 – 17h Coaching

  • Nicolas P.

Work on your Challenge: The Lightning Talk

Every student will present something awesome she or he learnt during Powercoders in a short presentation on Thursday. The presentation should be at least 3 minutes and should not exceed 5 minutes (so-called "lightning talk", here are some examples and a very funny one).

  • you can prepare a nice presentation with fancy slides, but actually...
  • could also just show code...
  • ...or walk us through a set-up...
  • ...or combine everything.


  • maximum 5 minutes (and then we have 2-3 minutes of Q+A)
  • and it needs to be a topic we have defined together

Topics & Students

  • How do PHP Sessions work and why do I need them? (Abdul Nawaz Bugti)
  • How does VirtualEnv work and why do you need it? (Alan Omar)
  • What is Drupal and how to install it? (Bashar Said)
  • What is A-Frame and how to integrate it in the browser? (Chiar Abdi)
  • How I implemented my website contact form with jQuery and AJAX. (Fortuna Mebrahtu)
  • How to set up student management software in Visual Studio 2017? (Mohamad Husam Ebish)
  • How I created an web application using Angular2, TypeScript, SQL Server and VS Express. (Mohammad Hadi Soroush)
  • How to upload files using Node.js and Express. (Mohammed Khairi)
  • How does Handlebars work and what do I need it for? (Muhammad Bashir Karimi)
  • What my Lunch App database structure would look like. (Rafat Daghmach)
  • How to create a 3D animated cube in CSS. (Sangeerththani Ramesh)
  • How to set up TypeScript in Visual Studio Code. (Tsigereda Nebai Kidane)
  • What is an e-commerce platform? Introducing Magento. (Yoseph Endrias Lechebo)
  • How to build an application for Twitter using PHP/JSON. (Ranny Kaddoura)
  • How to validate email addresses using jQuery. (Izzatollah Amani)
  • Git rebase and history optimization. (Tenzin Dhondup Gyadhotsang)
  • ??? (Marwa Ahmad)
  • ??? (Abdullah Msallam)

If we still have time left:

  • How to use Docker in web application projects (Hüni)