Debriefing Week 01

The debriefing is based on to the curriculum.

What was covered this week?

  • Working with editor, including the atom-live-server, color-picker, and atom-beautify packages.
  • Creating a first web portfolio project.
  • Followed the HTML & CSS Tutorial on
    • HTML Elements, Tags, Attributes, basic structure of an HTML page
    • Images, Anchors, Relative and absolute URLs, lists
    • Publishing the website on Bitballoon
    • Reference CSS, basic selectors, color codes
    • Basic use of Chrome Dev Tools
    • Include Bootstrap CSS via CDN
    • Div and span elements, simple responsive navigation with Bootstrap
  • Some students started with the More HTML & CSS Tutorial
  • Introduction to Fonts

Code School Modules

Friday Projects

What was planned but we couldn't cover?

  • HTML5 Elements

Continue Doing

(the two most important things that were great and we should continue doing)

  • First 15' of Day Recap - ask the students what they have learned and where they would like more time to practice or more theory
  • Teach Concepts and let them figure out the details in exercises

Start Doing

(the two most important things we should start doing)

  • Communicate the goal(s) of the day at the beginning.
  • Give existing project and clear tasks to improve / implement additional features.

Stop Doing

(the two most important things we should stop doing)

  • Don't spend too much time helping one student with a specific problem (point them to documentation or solution path). A good idea is to take a piece of paper and write down possible "search terms" for them to search online.
  • Don't mix two different tutorials (code makery vs. codeschool) --> it confuses students and the exercises don't build on top of each other.