The Pathway for Criminal Justice

Criminal Justice Course Descriptions

Criminal Justice

(1142)  1 credit 

Full Year  ⚖️     

Criminal Justice examines the American criminal justice system through the exploration of policing, court systems and corrections.  The overarching theme, the balance of individual rights versus public order, will guide our inquiry.  The primary goal of this course is to develop a general understanding of the criminal justice system and its response to crime. When possible, field trips to the courts and prison will provide opportunities to see first hand how our system works in Rhode Island. Guest speakers as well as practitioners such as police officers, lawyers and judges will provide the opportunity to explore even deeper. This course is an excellent choice for students interested in pursuing a career in law, policing or corrections.

Law and Society

(1145) 1 credit 

Full Year   ⚖️

This course examines the central features of police, courts and corrections as a legal and social institution. A central theme throughout this course is the exploration of law’s relationship to culture and legal consciousness.  Students will begin with a look at foundational documents that set up the principle of all humans being created equal and then analyze the Supreme Court's judicial review of legislation that helps define the application of Americans constitutional rights.  Next, the goals of social justice will be explored.  Utilizing this foundational knowledge students will be involved in a focused analysis of how diverse groups fare in our legal system. Some of the diverse groups that will be examined are the mentally ill, racial minorities and juveniles. This course is experiential in nature.  Whenever possible we will work with professionals in the field to enhance the application of the knowledge acquired. Law and Society is the second course in the pathway for Criminal Justice.

Recommendation: Criminal Justice or teacher recommendation.

21st Century Criminal Justice

(1143)  1 credit 

Full Year  ⚖️ 🎓      

This is an optional 3rd course in the Criminal Justice Pathway.  It is designed to prepare students for the professional world.  Through applied content, professional skills and attainment of industry certifications, an individual will be well prepared to compete for 21st century entry level careers in criminal justice and pursuit of advanced study in a collegiate setting. Collaborative projects based on research, analysis and critical thinking will anchor this course.  Professional skills such as resume writing and interview skills will be taught.  Finally, the attainment of industry certifications such as OSHA 10 and Advanced CPR/First Aid will advance students toward attainment of their future goals.  The course will be enhanced by working with industry professionals.

Requirement: Open to Grade 11 and 12 students

Recommendation: Criminal Justice Pathway enrollment and successful completion of Criminal Justice and Law and Society with a B or higher or teacher approval.