Happy Numbers Login


Happy Numbers

Happy Numbers is a new online math program that individualizes math and responds to students just the way a teacher would: unpacking concepts step-by-step, scaffolding learning, and providing immediate feedback based on student input.

This will also serve as a great resource for teachers to see your child's progression through math over the next few weeks, allowing me to keep track of their learning. This program is computer and tablet friendly and student independent. Here's how to get them started! There are 5 steps. Let me know if you need help.

  • If an iPad use Safari

  • PC or Mac use Google Chrome

  1. Click on I'm a Student

  1. Type in the class code- Our code is 677 775 . It may already be entered for you as I tried to prefill students profiles.

  1. You will then be taken to a screen with students names, click on your child's name and type in their password. I made our class’ password 1234.

  1. Once logged in, they are all set! They will take a short assessment (20-30 minutes) to modify the math to meet their needs and once that is complete they will be engaged in their just right level within the program.