Wednesday 5.6.20

***If you work with Ms. Hewey, Mrs. Floridino, Ms. McCaffrey, Ms. Ashley or Mrs. Fournier please check their page under the Other Teacher's Page up at the top ***

5-6 morning message READY.mp4


Choose Kindness

Good morning friends,

Today is Wednesday, May 6, 2020. Six is the number of the day, you know what to do! You will learn about the cardinal's nest and habitat. Habitat is a science word for where something lives.

Let's have a wonderful Wednesday!


Ms. Thompson :) xoxo

Morning Announcements with Ms. Thornhill.

Will she say YOUR name?!

Rise & Shine with Mr. Nogar


Read "Beautiful Birds" you can change the language to listen to the book as well. Then listen to Mrs. Coffin read a non-fiction chapter book All About Cardinals. Listen for facts about the cardinal's habitat or where it lives. Also see if you can remember facts about the nest and eggs/chicks to include in your writing.

Untitled: May 5, 2020 3:33 PM.webm

Listen to Mrs. Coffin read about a cardinal's nest and habitat. Habitat is the science word for, where something lives.

Untitled: May 5, 2020 3:37 PM.webm

Visit my backyard to see the difference between a bush and a tree.

Have fun practicing making a cardinal on SeeSaw. It will help you on Thursday when Ms. Maher teaches us to draw a cardinal.


Day 3: Cardinal Habitat and Nest Writing

Yesterday you wrote about what a cardinal eats. Today you will write the next chapter in your cardinal book and teach about the cardinal's habitat and nest. After listening to the above facts about the cardinal habitat and nest, write a few sentences about where the cardinal lives, about their nest and babies. Share with me on Seesaw!

Here are some sentence starters:

The cardinal lives_______________________

The cardinal builds it's nest from_______________________

The cardinal babies ____________________________


Your child should log in to our class math program for 20-30 minutes everyday.

If using an iPad use Safari

If using PC or Mac use Google Chrome

Click on I'm a Student

Type in the class code. It may already be entered for you as I tried to pre-fill students profiles.

You will then be taken to a screen with students names, click on your child's name and type in the password. I made our class’ password 1234.

Once logged in, they are all set! They will take a short assessment (20-30 minutes) to modify the math to meet their needs and once that is complete they will be connected with their appropriate level within the program.

Bonus Read Aloud with Mr. Jackson!

Today's Power-Up

Read Aloud

Chapter 3

Dinosaurs Before Dark

by Mary Pope Osborne

5-6 read aloud READY.mp4