Wednesday 4.29.20

***If you work with Ms. Hewey, Mrs. Floridino, Ms. McCaffrey, Ms. Ashley or Mrs. Fournier please check their page under the MORE tab.***

4-29 Morning Message READY.mp4


Choose Kindness

Good morning friends,

Today is Wednesday, April 29, 2020. Twenty-nine is the number of the day, you know what to do!

I want you to think about this science question, "What makes a bird a bird? What does a bird have that makes it special?"

You can share your answers by email, picture or on Remind. I will share some of the answers at our Zoom meeting tomorrow.

Families I will send an invitation (link) to the Zoom meeting to your email.

Let's have a wonderful Wednesday!


Ms. T. xoxo :)

Morning Announcements with

Ms. Thornhill

Rise & Shine Electric with Mr. Nogar

Today's Power-Up

Since Wednesdays are our Social-Emotional check in days, the Power-Up for today reminds us of our lessons to "Stop. Name the feeling. Breathe." Our class has unlocked 8 RUTF food packets for hungry children! Way to go friends you are spreading kindness all over the world!

It's beautiful out so I hope you get you get to enjoy the sunshine for your movement breaks!

Reading & Writing

First graders will begin their bird study unit next week. Mrs. Coffin reads to us What Makes a Bird a Bird?

Listen to the reading write 1-2 sentences about what you learned what makes a bird a bird. Remember to use spaces, punctuation and capital letters where they belong. Don't forget to draw a picture! Try to label the parts of the bird. I can't wait to see what you think!

Part 2


Students should be working 20-30 minutes on HappyNumbers everyday.

Have fun practicing your subtraction skills with this pizza game.

<---Practice your skip counting here.

Brain Break!

Read Aloud

Don't Let the Pigeon Stay Up Late! Written & Illustrated by Mo Willems

4-29 Read Aloud Don't Let the Pigeon.mp4