Monday 4.6.20

***If you work with Ms. McCaffrey, Ms. Fournier, Mrs. Hewey or Mrs. Floridino please visit their pages under the "More" tab in the upper right corner of the page.***

Good morning friends,

Today is Monday, April 6, 2020. The number of the day is six. Please practice writing the word six 5 times. It is Monday so we have P.E. today. Visit Ms. Queen/Mr. Morin's site below. Today you will read about bears and learn about why hibernation is an adaptation. Have fun writing a fiction story about bears. Remember, fiction means pretend! It is beautiful out so make sure to get out and enjoy the sunshine. Let's have a marvelous Monday!

Remember to choose kindness.


Ms. Thompson :) xoxo

Rise & Shine Electric

What is Mr. Nogar up to?


Go to the link to the left and read:

Day 11: Animal Science - Bears

Watch the Story:

Bear Snores On by Karma Wilson and Jane Chapman

Read the Book:

A Bear Cub Grows Up by Pam Zollman


Draw and Write Activity: Write a Bear Story

Write a short fiction story about a bear. Give your story a beginning, a middle, and an end. The bear can talk, rollerblade, and do many other things that bears in real life cannot do. It’s fiction!

Write or Draw!

  1. Get a blank piece of paper. Write your whole story out in sentences. Then add a picture or two!

  2. Or draw the whole story. Make three big boxes on your piece of paper. Label the boxes Beginning, Middle, and End. Draw what happens in each part of the story inside the boxes.

Don't forget to do iRead for 20 minutes today!

Here's our Power-Up for today.

Mystery Doug Science

Hibernation is an adaptation that helps bears survive. Learn more by enjoying this science video!