Welcome to Ms. Reed's Class,

Team 107!!

Welcome second graders and families!

This will be the place where you can find out some info about our class, Team 107!!

Class Reminders/Announcements

Be sure to always check your child's red home folder for work and school information.

School Start and End times

School drop off is between 7:25 and 7:40.

Wednesdays are early release days. Dismissal is at 1:10 on Wednesdays.

School dismissal is at 2:10

Team 107

Daily Schedule

7:25-7:40 Student drop off

7:40-8 Breakfast/ Morning Meeting

8-9 Math

9-10 Writing/Content

10-10:15 Snack

10:15-11:30 Phonics and Reading Workshop

11:30-12:30 Recess and Lunch

12:30-1:15 M,T,TH,F Specials (Art, Music, PE, Library)

Wed-Second Step

*(Wednesday Dismissal at 1:10)

1:15-1:30 Read Aloud

1:30-2 STRETCH

(this is small group time with teacher to work on targeted skills)

2-2:10 Dismissal

Here are our classroom expectations

Please contact me at reedam@portlandschools.org if you need anything!