KMS Compost Guardians

Sept. 2019 Updates: Welcome back!

What is a Compost Guardian?

The Compost Guardians are environmental stewards at King Middle School!

Compost guardians are volunteers who greet people as they approach the sorting station during the last few minutes of meal times and teach people how to sort their waste in a friendly, respectful way.

“I think being a compost guardian is a start to introduce you to the bigger picture of what you can do to help the school, the environment and the world.”

- KMS 8th grader, Spring 2019

“Being a compost guardian might not change the world’s environment a lot, but it helps our school, our environment, the environment we live in and go to school every day.”

- KMS 8th grader, Spring 2019

“I think being a compost guardian is when someone steps up to do what they think is right. It’s a way of appreciating the school and saying thank you for this.”

- KMS 8th grader, Spring 2019

Why should you volunteer as a Compost Guardian?

Because with your help:

  • Our community is more friendly and more helpful.
  • Other people will be inspired to help, also.
  • There is more food in the share bowl
  • Local farmers and gardeners get high-quality compost
  • We recycle more, which is good for local business and reducing carbon emissions.
  • We reduce the amount of trash that goes into a landfill.

“I take action so that other kids see us do it and they can think, ‘Oh, maybe I should try doing this too."

- KMS 8th grader, Spring 2019

“Being a compost guardian might not change the world’s environment a lot, but it helps our school, our environment, the environment we live in and go to school every day.”

- KMS 8th grader, Spring 2019

“If you’re just doing small kind things, you can make someone’s day. Doing all this small stuff can really impact them deeply.”

- KMS 8th grader, Spring 2019

Who can volunteer as a Compost Guardian?

EVERYONE is welcome to volunteer as a Compost Guardian at any mealtime!

How do I volunteer?

If you want to volunteer, all you need to do is finish your own meal, and then go stand between the two rows of barrels. Greet every person as they come up, and in a respectful, helpful tone of voice, you can help teach them where each item belongs.

What if I don't know how to do it?

Don't worry! Go ahead and volunteer anyway. The most important part about being a Compost Guardian is greeting everyone in the community who comes up to throw away their waste. Other Compost Guardians will help you learn the guidelines about what goes where. We all help each other! Thank you for volunteering and being a steward of our community!

Did you know every student at King Middle School can get a free breakfast every day between 7:30 and 7:55 AM? Each student can take a juice, a couple pieces of fruit, and two cereals (or other options). Don't want your extra juice, fruit, or cereal? No problem! Put it in the share bowl!

Do you know where King Middle School's compost goes?

It gets picked up by the company "We Compost It!" and becomes soil that is sold to farmers and gardeners!

Any contamination in the compost, like plastic that gets accidentally thrown in there, gets buried in a landfill.

Do you know where King Middle School's trash and recycling goes?

It gets picked up by the company "ecomaine".

Trash is burned in a waste-to-energy incincerator, and recycling is packed into bales and sold as scrap material.

Do you know the rules for what can and can't be recycled in Portland Maine?

Play ecoMaine's "Wicked Smaht Recycler" Game!

And check out ecomaine's Recyclopedia!