Special Education


English Language Learners

Director of Student Services, Dawn Davis - DDavis@portlandct.us

The Portland Public Schools is preparing to begin the school year with a plan that recognizes the district’s obligation to implement provisions outlined under the IDEA for FAPE in the LRE. In the 100% in-person model, the district will be able to implement all support services, and facilitate all accommodations and modifications outlined in each student’s individualized education plan for those students who choose to return to school in-person. The district is working through the planning and placement team process to consider and redesign individualized education plans for those students who choose to participate in distance learning.

The district will treat students eligible for special education and other special populations as general education students first. If students with disabilities are unable to access the reopening plan, the district will return to the planning and placement team and design individualized and alternative means of re-entry based upon student need, present levels of functioning, developmental needs, and student/parent input.

The district will not make programming decisions based on students’ disability category. The nature and/or severity of a student’s disability will be considered in the context of a planning and placement team’s consideration of the design of the individualized education plan.

Planning and placement teams will invite school nurses and, if necessary, pediatricians, to contribute suggestions and recommendations relative to masks, face coverings, handwashing/sanitizing, and/or other social distancing requirements. If masks, face coverings, handwashing/sanitizing, and/or other social distancing requirements interfere with appropriate services or need to be removed for any reason, the planning and placement team will design mitigation strategies.

The Portland Public Schools understands that like all students English Learners (EL) are entitled to protections afforded under all applicable state and federal statutes. EL students will be provided access to all general education academic programming in all three of the teaching and learning models outlined in the reopening plan, including supplemental EL instructional programming.

The district will communicate with parents and guardians that have limited proficiency in a language that they understand.

The district will provide EL students identified as student with disabilities all supports for EL needs as well as needs associated with the disability.