Middle School Communications

School Messenger

School Messenger (the same system used to announce snow days and emergencies) will be utilized to send out urgent information to parents through text, email, and phone calls.

Friday Email

The principal will send a weekly email out to parents highlighting important information about the school. It will be posted on our school website as the Weekly Shout Out.

School Website

Important Announcements regarding COVID-19 will be posted on the school and district website.

Social Media

Follow Mr. Hershon on Twitter @ChuckHershon to see pictures and posts of re-opening in action.

Morning Announcements

WPHT Broadcasting, our student broadcasting team, develops daily announcements and posts them to the WPHT Youtube Channel. Subscribe to this feed to keep up to date with what is going on each day.

Corrected Principal Meet and Greet (2020-09-09 at 14:05 GMT-7)

Principal Round-table: 9/9/20 (Re-Opening Q+A)