Portland High School

Curriculum and Instruction


Academic assessment data and communication between teachers will help teachers determine the instructional starting point for 2020-2021 school year.

Course content will be condensed to focus on priority learning standards to maintain vertical alignment and remediate learning loss.


Full Re-Opening

Instructional practices will be modified to reduce sharing of materials/text and to facilitate a switch to distance learning if needed. Examples include use of digital platforms, virtual demonstrations and web-based communication


Instructional practices will be modified to reduce sharing of materials/text and to facilitate distance learning. Teachers will plan to teach half their students in person on M/T and repeat the lesson for the Th/F cohort. Asynchronous learning activities will be implemented when students are not in person. Access to academic and support personnel will be available.

Distance Learning

Instructional practices will maximize synchronous practices with instruction being delivered in real time. Teachers will meet with their classes in alignment with the existing in-person daily schedule and design lessons with real time learning, small group and independent work within the 87 minute instructional block. Teachers will be accessible throughout the entire instructional block. Students will be expected to participate and attend all sessions unless verified by parent/guardian and office personnel. Independent work (homework) will be kept to a minimum outside the instructional time block with the exception of Advanced Placement and Honors level courses. Access to academic and support personnel will be available.


Grading will be in accordance with standard practice. During distance learning and/or the hybrid model, a modified grading scale utilizing a pass/fail option as appropriate will be implemented. Assessment tools will be modified to align with social distancing guidelines and priority learning standards.

Social and Emotional Learning

Social and Emotional learning lessons designed to re-engage students in their learning while monitoring and responding to students’ needs will be delivered via mentor groups, school counseling lessons and through the Health curriculum.