Pioneer Parent News

As we prepare to celebrate 50 Years of Portage West on Wednesday, September 27th, we are trying to collect as many memories and experiences as possible of former Pioneers; students and teachers. Feel free to share and/or complete these few questions!

2903415-F23-Principal-Letter-WMS 2023-TT.docx.pdf

PTSO Meeting 

September 28th

11:30 AM

WMS Library

8th Grade PSAT Testing and 6th & 7th Grade Delayed Saturday 

2023 PSAT Late Start - Fall .pdf

2024 Yearbook Sales



Winston is having a great time so far at his comfort dog training! He had a visit from his home family last week and was excited to see them. He is learning skills to be an even more loving and comforting dog than he already is. He also loves jumping around in the water and playing with his brother, who is being trained there as well. We are so excited with Winston’s progress and look forward to having him later this school year. 

We are asking our Pioneer community to help us pay for the cost of the extensive training program he is receiving now as well as the ongoing needs that come with a growing puppy. At this time, we need to raise $8,500 to cover the purchase of Winston and his training costs. If you would like to contribute, feel free to click the link below!

Please share with your friends and family as we prepare to welcome Winston to West!