Lunch Passes

Lunch Pass Information

This school year, ALL students are eligible to apply for an off-campus lunch pass for $2 per month provided their parents/guardians give them permission.  Your parents or guardians were emailed the permission form (to the email address they have on file with the school) on or before the first day of school, so tell them to check their email!  They didn't receive the email?  Ask your parent or guardian to call 323-5200 to confirm we have the correct email address on file.  You can also print off a paper copy of the form and return it to the Welcome Center.

Eligibility for this pass is tied to attendance and is run monthly.  Each month, provided a student has no more than 1 unexcused absence and no more than 3 excused absences (in one or more classes) in the previous month, they will remain eligible for the lunch pass.  Please review the five types of absences to understand whether or not it impacts lunch pass eligibility: 

Students may reapply for lunch privileges at the end of each month (we will make an announcement when it's time to renew).  August and September will count as one month, as will May and June.  August/September eligibility is based on the previous May/June.

5th-hour classes in the West wing take A lunch.  5th-hour classes in the East wing take B lunch. Check with your 5th-hour teacher to make sure you go to the correct lunch!

For more detailed information, consult the High School Student Handbook or reach out to your Assistant Principal (Mrs. Kaylor, A-K; Ms. Salisbury, L-Z).