Social Media and Cell Phones

PC Cell Phone Policies

Portage Central High School has whole-school cell phone policies and classroom-level cell phone policies.  

Each teacher sets their own cell phone policy in their own classroom, which is communicated to students in their class syllabus and verbally in class.  Classroom policies range from "phones out of sight--always" to "phones acceptable for educational purposes with explicit permission."  When a student violates a classroom device policy and the teacher refers the student to their Assistant Principal, the student is assigned a one-hour, after-school detention (also called a 2:50, because it starts at 2:50PM).  

Whole school policies include the following: 

When a student violates a school-wide device policy, they are assigned consequences based on the relevant student code of conduct policy.   See the student handbook for more information.

Cell Phone, Social Media, and Internet Safety Resources for Families

How Using Social Media Affects Teenagers, Rachel Ehmke, Child Mind Institute

Kids and Cell Phones, by the Federal Trade Commission

Parent Guide to Protecting Teens on Social Media, by SafeSearchKids

Protecting Kids Online, by the Federal Trade Commission