WEEK 9-10

WALT: We are learning to use our area and perimeter knowledge to build our dream home.

Dream House

Maths instructions:

After your first teacher session, begin working on this slide to complete the tasks that will support your new learning.


  • Date and title underlined in red pen.

  • Write the question fully down in your book - Helps with marking and looking back.

  • Hand in your work when you have finished for it to be marked!!

  • Any pātai? See three before me.


WALT: We are learning to use are area and perimeter.

Alge-bros week 8

Things to beginning thinking about this week:

  • What is my dream house?

  • What does my dream house look like?

  • How big is my dream house?

  • What kind of rooms are in my dream house? Eg Mcdonalds, Gym, Games room etc

Maths instructions:

After your first teacher session, begin working on this slide to complete the tasks that will support your new learning.


  • Date and title underlined in red pen.

  • Write the question fully down in your book - Helps with marking and looking back.

  • Hand in your work when you have finished for it to be marked!!

  • Any pātai? See three before me.

Week 7

Keep up the amazing work you are doing! You are fabulous :D

Alge-Bros - week 7

Maths instructions:

After your first teacher session, begin working on this slide to complete the tasks that will support your new learning.


  • Date and title underlined in red pen.

  • Write the question fully down in your book - Helps with marking and looking back.

  • Hand in your work when you have finished for it to be marked!!

  • Any pātai? See three before me.

Week 6

WALT: We are learning to make estimates of lengths and areas.

WALT: We are learning to use a variety of techniques to check our estimates

LI: recognition of pattern (consistency) in equations involving multiplication and division with whole numbers.

Alge-Bros Week 6

Maths instructions:

After your first teacher session, begin working on this slide to complete the tasks that will support your new learning.


  • Date and title underlined in red pen.

  • Write the question fully down in your book - Helps with marking and looking back.

  • Hand in your work when you have finished for it to be marked!!

  • Any pātai? See three before me.

Week 5

WALT: We are learning to make estimates of lengths and areas.

WALT: We are learning to use a variety of techniques to check our estimates

LI: recognition of pattern (consistency) in equations involving multiplication and division with whole numbers.

Alge-Bros - Week 5

Maths instructions:

After your first teacher session, begin working on this slide to complete the tasks that will support your new learning.


  • Date and title underlined in red pen.

  • Write the question fully down in your book - Helps with marking and looking back.

  • Hand in your work when you have finished for it to be marked!!

  • Any pātai? See three before me.

Week 3

WALT - We are learning to solve division problems using the repeated addition and multiplication facts we know.

Week 3 - Alge-Bros

Maths instructions:

After your first teacher session, begin working on this slide to complete the tasks that will support your new learning.


  • Date and title underlined in red pen.

  • Write the question fully down in your book - Helps with marking and looking back.

  • Hand in your work when you have finished for it to be marked!!

  • Any pātai? See three before me.

Week 2

WALT - We are learning to solve multiplication problems by taking some off or putting some on. (Compensation)

Alge-Bros - WEEK 2

Maths instructions:

After your first teacher session, begin working on this slide to complete the tasks that will support your new learning.


  • Date and title underlined in red pen.

  • Write the question fully down in your book - Helps with marking and looking back.

  • Hand in your work when you have finished for it to be marked!!

  • Any pātai? See three before me.


WALT: We are learning to multiply tens, hundreds, thousands, and other tens numbers.

Week 1 - tasks

Maths instructions:

After your first teacher session, begin working on this slide to complete the tasks that will support your new learning.


  • Date and title underlined in red pen.

  • Write the question fully down in your book - Helps with marking and looking back.

  • Hand in your work when you have finished for it to be marked!!

  • Any pātai? See three before me.


Week 11

WALT: We are learning to use the algorithm strategy with 2 digit mulitplications.

WK 11 T1 - Algebros

Maths instructions:

After your first teacher session, begin working on this slide to complete the tasks that will support your new learning.


  • Date and title underlined in red pen.

  • Write the question fully down in your book - Helps with marking and looking back.

  • Hand in your work when you have finished for it to be marked!!

  • Any pātai? See three before me.

Week 10

WALT: We are learning to subtract using algorithms

Alge-Bros Week 10

Maths instructions:

After your first teacher session, begin working on this slide to complete the tasks that will support your new learning.


  • Date and title underlined in red pen.

  • Write the question fully down in your book - Helps with marking and looking back.

  • Hand in your work when you have finished for it to be marked!!

  • Any pātai? See three before me.

Week 9: 29th March - 2nd April

WALT: We are learning to solve add/sub with different strategies.

WALT: solve add/sub problems by using rounding & compensating.


Maths instructions:

After your first teacher session, begin working on this slide to complete the tasks that will support your new learning.


  • Date and title underlined in red pen.

  • Write the question fully down in your book - Helps with marking and looking back.

  • Hand in your work when you have finished for it to be marked!!