Ohio Perinatal Mental Health TAsk Force




Thank you for your engagement with our Spring 2024 Strategic Area Action Team meetings, as well as your asynchronous participation on our action team collaborative documents.

Below is a summary of projects in progress in our SAATs and how you can get involved in the coming months. The OPMH Task Force will reconvene as a collective this summer, though progress on the below projects will be in progress through individual SAATs ongoing.

Interested in proposing or leading an OPMH Task Force project? Contact balexander@mhaohio.org.


Statewide Environmental Data Scan


Awareness Campaign for Black Birthing Persons and Providers


Screening Protocol for Black Birthing Persons


Ohio Perinatal Mental Health Day of Advocacy

How can I bring an existing or new project to the OPMH Task Force?

OPMH Task Force projects are organized within each SAAT. An OPMH Task Force project can be:

Project Requirements:

Please contact Becca Alexander (balexander@mhaohio.org) with questions about this process.

Join us on World Maternal Mental Health Day - May 1st, 2024 - for an Ohio Perinatal Mental Health Day of Advocacy. During the day, advocates will meet with legislators to discuss perinatal mental health related issues and initiatives.

An evening reception with drinks and appetizers will follow from 5-7pm.

PLEASE RSVP at the button below for the evening reception.

RSVPs for legislator meetings are now closed.

All individuals who plan to attend must submit an RSVP form.

Thank you for your participation in the development of the OPMH Task Force Policy Agenda.

We continue to make progress in adding action steps for the Ohio Perinatal Mental Health Policy Agenda and we anticipate 2024 will be a productive year. Please take a moment to review our action items on the Policy Agenda action plan HERE and add any additional items to the list under the each priority by end of day Friday, January 19th

Also, please add your name under any existing list items to which you would like to contribute. After this document closes on 1/12, our team will review it and organize the item lists and team members to eliminate duplication and begin working on timelines. You will hear from us again in January of 2024.

OPMH Task Force Policy Agenda Action Plan

12/13 Session Slides

12/13 Session Recording Enter passcode Fyk3#66a

OPMH Policy Agenda 2024.pdf

OPMH Task Force Policy Agenda

Click on the image to view the Ohio Perinatal Mental Health Task Force's Policy Agenda, developed in collaboration with Mind the Gap's Policy Series.

Our Collective Values