Administration & Operations
Welcome to Our SITE!
Management Team
Frank Donatelli- Vice President, Administration and Operations
Dami Onabote- Director, Administration and Operations
Ashanta Williams - Program Manager, Registration
Cesar Bahamonde - Operations, Special Projects Manager
George LeRoy- Operations, Special Projects Manager
John Krumenacker - Program Manager, Venue Administration
Kenneth Ladenhauf- Program Manager, Chapter Administration
Jatinder Kumar- Program Manager, Events Calendar
Average lead time for scheduling meetings and events is 2-3 months in advance of an event and after all budgets have been approved for the year. However, all requests for assistance, regardless of timing are welcomed.
For meetings and events requiring PDU generation and/or assistance with securing a venue location:
Check the online calendar of events for viable dates to avoid conflicts.
If PDU generation is needed, please click here to review information on PDU eligibility requirements.
Click here to fill out and submit the Meeting and Event Specification Form.
Please allow 48-72 hours (between Monday-Friday) to be contacted by an Operations team member to schedule an Intake Discussion with all necessary parties.
Upon completion of the discussion, next steps will be confirmed.
To Request PDU Generation - Only:
For information on PDU eligibility requirements, click here.
Click here to fill out and submit a PDU Generation Form.
Please allow 48-72 hours (between Monday-Friday) to be contacted by a PDU Team member to schedule to discuss/review the submitted request.
To assist with collecting data to confirm participant attendance, a Meeting Attendance Sheet is available by clicking here.
To assist with entering data for a New Event Course, a template is available by clicking here.
Please note: PDUs will be credited within two to three weeks upon receipt of the Meeting Attendance Sheet or the New Event Course being submitted to the PDU Team.