Dress Code

J. C. Charyk Hanna School Dress Code

Dress codes assist in ensuring that staff and students show respect for themselves and those around them in their learning environment. The Dress Code applies to all functions: i.e. field trips, sporting events, gym class, etc.

The appearance of any student is primarily the responsibility of the individual and his or her parents. We expect students to be reasonably neat and clean and to dress appropriately according to the following guidelines:

  • Very revealing clothing is not permitted

  • Vulgar or disrespectful slogans and graphics are not permitted

  • Slogans or graphics depicting drug or alcohol products are not permitted.

  • Wet or muddy footwear is not permitted in school

  • The school reserves the right to request that a student change dress when it is deemed to be inappropriate.

  • Appropriate footwear is required for Physical Education – no flip flops, sandals or cowboy boots.

Students who are found to be dressed inappropriately will be asked to put on a sweater, or cover up in some other manner.