Taiwan NSTC and Germany DAAD joint workshop

on Compilers and Embedded Designs

Taiwan NSTC and Germany DAAD Joint Workshop on Compilers and Embedded Designs

Dec 19, Monday, 2022

Venue: NTHU CS, Seminar room: 613 Delta building (EECS Delta Building) (台達館)

Hybrid link: WebEx: https://reurl.cc/zrKgOe

Opening talk 1: 10am

Prof. Jenq-Kuen Lee, NTHU CS

Overview of Group NSTC Research Projects

Opening talk 2: 10:20am

Prof. Jian-Jia Chen

Title: Research Directions with Real Time System Designs

Technische Universität Dortmund

Informatik 12 -Chair for Embedded Systems-, Germany

Talk 3: 10:40am

lightning talk: Prof. Yi-Ping You (NYCU)

talk title: DLOOPT: An Optimization Assistant on AutoTVM for Deep Learning Operators

Talk 4: 11am

lightning talk: Prof. Peng-Sheng Chen (CCU) (speaker via conf call)

talk title: A General-Purpose C Compiler for Secure Two-Party Computation

Talk 5: 11:20am

Memory Adventure Park: Design and Optimization for Emerging Memories

Speaker: Nils Hölscher/Christian Hakert from TU Dortmund University, and Hassan Nassar from Karlsruhe Institute of Technology

Talk 6 11:40am

Sheng-Yuan Cheng, NTHU CS

Prof. Lee student, Update with the following work.

Application Showcases for TVM with NeuroPilot on Mobile Devices, Sheng-Yuan Cheng, et al, ICPP EMS 2022, Bordeaux, France, Aug. 29 - Sep. 1, 2022.

Talk 7: 12:00

Gardening Your Forest: Resource-Efficient Machine Learning

Speaker: Christian Hakert from TU Dortmund University

Lunch Break

Session Chair: Prof. Wuu Yang

Afternoon talk 8: 1:30pm-2:00pm

Title: Verifying Assembly Codes for Practical Cryptography.

Prof. Bow-Yaw Wang (Sinica, IIS) (speaker via conf call)

Afternoon talk 9: 2pm

Title: Support of RISC-V Instructions for LIM on Gem5

Chia-Hui Su, CF Lu, NTHU CS

Prof. Kuan-Hsun Chen

University of Twente

Department of Computer Science

The Netherlands

Afternoon talk 10: 2:20pm

lightning talk: High Utilization Energy-Aware Real-Time Inference Deep Convolutional Neural Network Accelerator

Speaker: Yi-Fan Chen (Prof. Ching-Te Chiu Student, NTHU CS)

Session Chair: Prof. YungYu Zhuang

Afternoon talk 11: 2:40pm

Training and Inference of Binarized Neural Networks on Emerging Embedded Systems

Speaker: Mikail Yayla from TU Dortmund University

Afternoon talk 12: 3pm

Title: An Algorithm for Solving the Blocking between Instruction Sink and Division-Modulo Combine

Speaker, Yin-Jung Huang & Prof. YungYu Zhuang (NCU)

Afternoon talk 13: 3:20pm

Geng-Ming Liang , NTHU CS,

Prof. Lee student, Update with the following work.

The Support of MLIR HLS Adaptor for LLVM IR, Geng-Ming Liang, et al, ICPP EMS 2022, Bordeaux, France, Aug. 29 - Sep. 1, 2022.

Talk 14: Discussion Sessions: 3:30pm

Dinner : 18:30

address: 2, No. 773號明湖路東區新竹市300