Library Rules

Golden rules of the pms library

Be respectful of your peers and the space.

Treat others as you wish to be treated. Treat staff and students with kindness and respect.

Leave the library better than when you arrived. Pick up trash and push chairs in before leaving.

Keep noise levels low.

Please keep conversations to a whisper. A full library gets noisy quickly when everyone is speaking at regular levels.

By keeping noise levels low you help make the PMS library a place where students can study and do homework, gather with friends, or enjoy a quiet moment during school hours. Thank you for your help!

Leave food and drinks in your backpack.

Food and drinks must be put away in backpacks before entering the library.

Students eating in the library will be asked to leave for the day.



Students can access our school library through the back corner entrance in the mornings. This is an entrance only. Students exiting the library in the mornings need to use the doors into our gallery to leave the building. This enter/exit strategy is in place for student safety and supervision reasons.

During lunch and passing periods, students enter and exit the library through the gallery doors.


Students must have cell phones turned OFF and in their backpacks while in the library. Students using cell phones in the library will have their device confiscated and sent to the office for the rest of the day.

Laptops are allowed in the library for research or homework only.

Gaming is NOT ALLOWED in the library. Computers and laptops are for schoolwork only. Students who are gaming will be asked to leave for the day.

Students are to uphold the rules and policies of the school while visiting our library. Staff have the right to ask students to leave the library if policies are violated and/or limit their use of the library during school hours.