Pen Drawing Unit Project


Now that you know how to use the Pen, Cloning, and User Defined Blocks, you will demonstrate your knowledge by creating a work of art. You should start by creating a new Scratch program and titling it Unit 3 Pen Drawing Project.

Select the level Grade you want to earn and complete the directions for that program below.

A Grade

B Grade

C Grade

D Grade

Grading Standard

CSS-AP-10: Control - The student can Develop and create programs with sequences, loops, events, and conditionals.


4 – Advanced (90-100%):

The student has demonstrated mastery of the standard and can independently apply knowledge above and beyond the standard.

3 – Proficient (80-89%):

The student has independently demonstrated mastery of the standard.

2 – Basic (70-79%):

The student is able to demonstrate some understanding of the standard with help from the teacher or peers, but lacks proficiency in key areas.

1 – Below Basic (50-69%):

The student has difficulty demonstrating understanding of the standard with teacher or peer support.

0 – Not Attempted (0-49%):

The student did not attempt to demonstrate knowledge of the standard.