Welcome Classroom - Italian Fun Facts

Class Information

Hello and welcome to our virtual classroom! My name is Prof. Kanyuk and I am super excited to meet you. This is our class website. Everything you need will be on this site. You are welcome to refer to this site as necessary throughout the school year for resources, ideas or refreshers.

Please click on the hidden links in the classroom image to the left for fun facts about Italy and Italian culture.

Welcome to our Google Classroom.pdf


Look at the slides and you will find a quick introduction to our Learning Management System where announcements, assignments, resources, information. etc. will be posted and where students can submit assignments.

Google Classroom

Italian 3

Please login to Clever access your Google Classroom.

Oh no, you're absent!

We hope you feel better soon so you can return to class.

Check Google Classroom for missed assignments and copies of important material covered in class.

"Three Before Me" Rule

When you are absent, please check this page and Google Classroom for any missed information and/or assignments. Then ask three classmates about what you missed before asking me.

The content of this class website is subject to change in accordance with the needs of the class and/or instructor.