Introduction to Summit Learning

Summit Learning is the foundation of Summit Public Schools' 15 years of success and is based on collaborations with nationally acclaimed learning scientists, researchers and academics from institutions including the Harvard Center for Education Policy Research, the Buck Institute of Education and the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching, among others.

Summit's research-backed approach leads to better student outcomes. Summit students are also able to articulate what they are learning, why they are learning and how they learn best. They can advocate for themselves, know their passions and interests and have a long-term goal and plan rooted in these passions and interests.

To learn more about the Summit Learning Program, please continue reading our resources below.

What is the science behind Summit Learning?

Summit Learning at Project Impact STEM Academy

Project Impact STEM Academy uses the Summit Learning platform as a digital portfolio of your students progress. Summit Learning supports our mastery based learning approach and provides a universal rubric for grades 4th-12th grades. Project Impact STEM Academy modeled this concept of a universal rubric and has developed a primary-level universal rubric for mastery grading for the state of Idaho. Project Impact STEM Academy customizes a large portion of the Summit curriculum to fit within our STEM-based PBL units. This involves creating our own units or remodeling units provided by Summit to fit our unique model.

Week 1 Summit Insiders - 2022

Week 1: Parent Information

Week 2 Summit Insiders - 2022

Week 2: Parent Information

Week 3 Summit Insiders - 2022

Week 3: Parent Information

Week 4 Summit Insiders - 2022

Week 4: Parent Information

Week 5 Summit Insiders - 2022

Week 5: Parent Information

Your Student Snapshot (Parent SMS Notification)

· Your Student Snapshot Overview

· Your Student Snapshot FAQs

Data Privacy & Security

As educators and parents, protecting student personal information is Summit's top priority. Each year, Summit Public Schools takes input from parents, educators and privacy experts to update and further strengthen its privacy policies and practices to ensure that we are using best and latest safeguards for student personal information. We know teachers and families often have questions about data privacy and security. For questions and the latest Privacy Policy, please visit our Resource Center.

· Data & Privacy Resource Center

· Privacy Policy