Weekly Updates and Reminders - 11/18/24 to 11/24/24
Attention Parents with high school students: When parents come to eat lunch with their high school students we will make the Lyceum open for you and your student(s). If it is raining outside there will be a table setup in the Lyceum lobby for lunch. Due to limited space in the classroom parents will not be able to eat in the student homeroom moving forward. Thank you for your understanding and flexibility.
Food Drive…Check out the flyer below for information on how you can be a part of the food drive to help local food closets.
BAKE SALE for PCA Scholarship. To volunteer to help raise funds for the Pinnacle Classical Academy Scholarship, please click the link and sign up. https://forms.gle/M2d857YxqTbpE9j17 See the included flyers for more details or contact Heather Fouts at hfouts@pinnacleclassicalacademy.com.
The Athletic Department sends out information through the media listed below.
3. Our Weekly Newsletter: The Talon Times
In-season athletes who may be unable to attend tryouts due to winter sports are responsible for contacting the coach to discuss their availability.
Middle school: Chad Duncan - CDuncan1124@gmail.com (See flyer attached for dates and times.)
Varsity Baseball: Casey Metcalfe - cmetcalfe@pinacleclassicalacademy.com (See flyer attached for dates and times.)
For the safety of our students and staff during drop off and pick up:
Follow the flow of traffic. (See diagrams attached)
Students should be dropped off/picked up ONLY in the designated area.
Do not cut through the student parking area.
Do not use your cell phone while in the line.
If a student is ill, he/she should not attend school. Please keep a student home in the morning if any of the symptoms listed below are present. If any of these symptoms develop during the school day, we will call you to pick up your student. Keep ill students home until the student has been symptom-free for 24 hours, and/or if they: have a fever of 100° or higher, vomiting or diarrhea, evidence of a severe head cold, persistent cough, or sore throat, or there is evidence of a suspicious rash or other contagious conditions (pink eye, head lice, ringworm etc.). Make sure you notify your student’s homeroom teacher and Mrs. Deaton of your student’s absence and send a note when the student returns to school.
Dress Code Reminder for cold weather:
Outerwear Permitted Inside the Building
Coats, jackets, ¼-zip pullovers and sweaters that are red, solid black, solid white OR a combination of these colors are permitted if they are embroidered with PCA's logo / Spirit Wear logo.
Hooded clothing cannot be worn inside the building at any time.
Shoes must be black, red, white, or any combination of those colors. Students may not wear sandals, flip-flops, clogs, Crocs, Toe-Shoes, mules, or boots.
Cell phones and all other personal electronic devices (including but not limited to smartwatches, MP3 players, personal computers/laptops, video games, tablets, etc.) are NOT allowed at school during the school day including during dismissal. Any personal electronic device found during the day will be confiscated. Refer to the school website for the full technology policy.
Please make sure you are checking grades and attendance in Infinite Campus. If you do not have access to Infinite Campus, please contact Mrs. Deaton at adeaton@pinnacleclassicalacademy.com.
Thank you for your continued support.
High School Teachers