Mrs. Dayvault
Hey everyone! I'm Mrs. Dayvault! Some of you might know me as Miss Horton but I got married in June! I graduated from Lenoir-Rhyne University with my Bachelors of Arts in History. This will be my second year teaching and I could not be more excited! We are going to have a great year!
I not only got married this summer but I also got a puppy! She is a poodle named Millie! I enjoy spending time with my family and friends. I am obsessed with sour gummy worms and Kit-Kats. I love going to Mi Pubs or Pleasant City Grill with my friends.
My email: mdayvault@pinnacleclassicalacademy.com
Thursday, February 6 - Progress reports were sent home. Please return as soon as possible.
Monday, February 17 - Students do not have school.
Letter of Intent - A student letter of intent was sent home for the 2025-2026 school year. These forms were due back by January 31st.
Friday, February 21 - Forms for 8th grade's next field trip to i-Fly on Friday, March 28 are due. The forms went home Thursday, January 30. A copy has been attached for your convenience. The cost is $85. Collared shirts are highly discouraged as they do not always tuck well into the flight suit. Students may wear spirit wear in place of PCA polo shirts.
Chess Club - The updated chess club schedule is posted below.
February 24th
March 10th
March 24th
April 7th
April 28th
May 12th
February 18th and 20th - 6-8th grade are scheduled to take their NC Check In for Reading on February 18th and Math on February 20th.
February 22nd - Peak will be hosting a middle school dance. (Please see the flyer below for information)
February 18th - March 8th - NJHS will hold a food drive from February 18th- March 8th. All items donated will be given to the Feeding Kids Cleveland County organization to refill their food pantry. See the flyer for details.
February 28th - The senior class is raising money for a soccer score board. See the flyer below for details about student dress for today.
Dismissal Reminders:
Please be sure to bring your temporary car tag for dismissal
Drop off and pick up with your oldest child
Students who go home with student drivers must be picked up in their homeroom by their driver.
High School students need to pick up their younger siblings from their homeroom.
PE will be outside often. Students are encouraged to bring a water bottle and an extra pair of shoes. It is also recommended to bring a small, separate bag for dirty shoes. There is an optional PE attire that is sold at Norris. Students will not have this option available until the gym/locker rooms are open for student use.
Every Friday will be School Spirit Day. Students may wear PCA spirit wear tops (athletic eagle logo) with uniform bottoms on Fridays. Please note: Norris Merchandise is selling some PCA items with hoods - these items are NOT approved spirit wear. Per the dress code, students may not wear hoodies or hooded jackets inside the building at any time.
Cell phones and all other personal electronic devices (including but not limited to smartwatches, MP3 players, personal computers/laptops, video games, tablets, etc.) are NOT allowed at school during the school day. Any personal electronic device found during the day will be confiscated. Refer to the school website for the entire technology policy.
Dress Code Reminder: Make sure students are following the school dress code. Please remember that students may not wear hoodies or hooded jackets inside the building at any time. Please make sure that all student clothing, including jackets, coats, shoes, and socks, conforms to the dress code. Refer to the school website for guidelines.
Please make sure you are checking grades and attendance on Infinite Campus. If you need access to Infinite Campus, please contact Mrs. Deaton at adeaton@pinnacleclassicalacademy.com.
Athletic Announcements:
Our athletic department sends out information in a couple of ways including:
3. Our Weekly Newsletter: The Talon Times
Swim Team Interest Video: Swim Interest Video: A message from Coach Barnes