Welcome to Visual Art!


                                                                "H" - Honorable/100% - Your student has had great participation, behavior and work!

                                                            "S" - Satisfactory/80% - Your student is doing okay in class but could work harder and 

                                                                                                     have better behavior during our time together. 

                                                            "N"- Needs Improvement/60% - Your student is not using their time wisely in class and 

                                                                                                     simply does not have a lot of work to show for this 9 week period.

                                                            "U"- Unsatisfactory/0% - Your student is not doing any work in class and you should have

                                                                                                      received a phone call by Mrs. Ballard about your student's  

                                                                                                      lack of work and behavior in class. There is simply no evidence

                                                                                                       to show they have been in art class. 

 Grades will reflect behavior and participation!

 Encourage your student to follow our classroom expectations:

Thank you! Please contact me through my email if you have any questions or concerns regarding your student's work or behavior in art class. 

*Please note, a student's absence from class does NOT reduce their grade. Absences will only affect the amount of work they are bringing home or some work may be unfinished or missing due to absences. Students only come to art once a week. This is only a total of 9 times in a quarter maximum. Some classes will not come to art due to holidays, field trips, or workdays. 

Fourth 9 weeks Grading Period

K-3 Campus

Mornings (Mon-Friday)

4/5 Campus

Afternoons (Monday-Friday)

"Van Gogh" inspired rock!

Beautiful polka dots!

"Ernie" at the CC Fair!

Our PCA 2023 fair booth!