World Language 

Mrs. Mlakar  - 

 Ms. Batouyios - 

Dr. Petrescu - 


Eden Hall's World Language program has been designed to introduce students to the concepts of language and culture. This class will allow students to explore many different languages and develop an awareness and appreciation for different cultures. Please click on the topics below to learn more about this class. 


Below is a brief overview of the topics covered in each grade level. For a more detailed look at our curriculum, please click here

4th Grade                                     5th Grade                                     6th Grade     

English & ASL                                            Danish                                                     Spanish

Latin                                                            Swahili                                                    French

Italian                                                          Hindi                                                       German 

Portuguese                                                 Chinese                                                    Artificial Languages

Croatian                                                      Arabic



Students are expected to follow the RAMS Way in World Language Class!

RESPECTFUL - Listen when the teacher is talking. Use teacher-directed voice level. Follow directions the first time they are given. Use kind words when speaking about other cultures.

ACCOUNTABLE - Come to class prepared. Keep your folder neat and organized. Turn in work on time. Clean up after yourself.

MOTIVATED - Engage in the lessons. Put forth your best effort. Stay on task. Ask questions!

SAFE - Use supplies properly. Walk in the classroom. Keep hands and feet to yourself. Ask before leaving the classroom. Follow directions during emergency drills.


This class is not intended to cause the students any stress--it is meant to be an enjoyable and exploratory experience; however, students are expected to participate and put forth their best effort. At the end of each quarter, students will receive a grade on their report card for World Language. This grade reflects participation as well as acquisition and application of new skills. The grading scale for World Language is as follows: 

E (Extending) - Student has mastered all skills and concepts and gone above and beyond
                                                to seek additional enrichment opportunities.

P (Proficient) - Student has mastered all skills and concepts.

D (Developing) - Student is still working on developing skills and concepts.