17 (Fri) - 19 (Sun) March 2023 

National Museum of Natural Science

The Symposium for Early Career Astronomers (SECA) is a meeting for young astronomy/astrophysics faculties in Taiwan to know and interact with each other. Senior faculties are invited to share their experiences, such as research proposals, teaching, and career suggestions. 

After the first successful SECA held at National Cheng Kung University in 2020 and SECA-II at National Dong Hwa University in 2022, we will hold the third SECA (SECA-III) at the National Museum of Natural Science in Taichung, supported by the National Science and Technology Council of Taiwan.

Main focus of SECA-III

We found that the most essential topics are education, mentoring, collaboration, and student exchange. Therefore, we would like to implement them in SECA-III. 

1) we may organize a discussion or talk about mentoring/education

2) we may have a discussion session for future summer/winter school or student exchange

3) we may have a session for sharing and discussing the syllabus for a few courses (astronomy?)

4) would it be good to invite a few young high-school teachers that are interested in astronomical education?

5) we have had a slack for SECA-III LOC/SOC and will expand it to all Taiwanese astronomers if it works well. 


Any queries and requests can be sent to the following email address:

SOC/LOC members: 

Chin-Ping Hu (NCUE)

Tetsuya Hashimoto (NCHU)

Pin-Wei Wang (NMNS)

Yu-Yen Chang (NCHU)

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