Phone Phriend

Hey Everyone!

I’ve been thinking a lot over the past couple of weeks about what I could possibly do from a quarantined home to help others. I’ve often had the thought that I’m so grateful that I’m surrounded by my family. They are a constant reminder of vitality. Of love. Of life. They play and laugh...and cry and fight. They remind me I am not alone. What a gift that is. And I’m grateful to have it.

I know there are many people out there that don’t have that constant reminder. People that may be lonely. People that don’t have someone to talk to every day. Maybe they are in quarantine by themselves because they are at higher risk. Or maybe they just want someone to chat with for a few minutes. Someone to connect with during this time of distancing.

If you know someone that would enjoy, or could use a phone call, I would be more than honored to talk with them! We can chat for a few minutes and through that hopefully bring some joy during a difficult time. I’m calling this Phone Phriend! Connecting through distance.

You can fill out the form below and I’ll start making phone calls. :) If you’d rather email me please feel free to do so at Looking forward to connecting!