It's a Pleasure to Meet You


Beipu Cold Springs, Taiwan

I'm all about our future.

To chase a personal dream of doing global business operations, I packed my belongings into two suitcases and took a Pacific Ocean-sized step into Taiwan.

My values. Be kind, be strong, be a little less afraid of the unknown.

To make this possible, I'm studying at Taiwan's best-known university. Living here, I've learned more about local industries, language, culture, and how to get things done than I could. Along with past experience in finance and PR, I'm off to a good start. Ask me anything.

My actions. I use technical knowledge to develop human ability, across cultures.

How we live is as important as what we leave behind. I now Working with the semiconductor industry in Taiwan's Silicon Valley,

I also offer my personal strengths by investing in,

  • Executives to win their moments, as 1/3 of P-SPEC Presentation Specialists
  • College students to develop business ideas, through Hult Prize Foundation
  • Friends to support each other's goals. Warren Buffett says success comes down to one question. "Do the people you care about love you back?"

My self. Poise and awareness along with poise and patience applies to all of life.

What I do is a grind, though I practice a certain amount of self-care in my spare time (when I have some). You can,

Feel free to get in touch, I have a standing invitation for you to email me about anything that’s on your mind.