The Reopening of The Student Resource Center in Furness

By Justin Prasetyo
November 3, 2023

Members of the student council have opened a community food drive until November 6th, where students can donate food such as canned goods, rice, soups, and much more to support members of the local community in having free access to adequate nourishing food on a daily basis. In addition to this, they are also looking for donations of many types of clothing, including clothes for children, to be mindful of possible family members and young mothers.

Students are able to donate during their advisory classes and will be rewarded with PBIS points, which can be used to purchase snacks, drinks, and other things. These donations will then be stored in the ‘Student Resource Room’ in the IMC (1st floor library) for anyone to take, including staff members! 

The student council hopes students can take advantage of this event to help others and themselves. Any donations are greatly appreciated and will go a long way toward easing others’ difficulties. Seek more information in the IMC or Main Office.