Student Council

By Abubakar Basubi
November 1, 2023

What is the student council? Student council is an organization of students who come together with teachers or school administrators to discuss plans for the future of our school.

One of these plans that are discussed are future field trips. We talk about when, where, and how we are going to make the trip happen and try to include everybody. Student council takes part in things like homecoming where the student council members help decorate and even come up with ideas of how everything should look at the dance. When it comes to decorating, the student body can also join if they feel like helping out. We can make the dance as fun as possible. Last year the student council was responsible for the field day , school dances, snack sales, food drive, trips, movie day, and more.

As a member of the student council I know we are always excited to have the student body come to us for anything they want to see changed. If there is anything in the school you find to be unfit or can be changed and can be made even better, the student council is there to help. We also appreciate having new people join us. The more the merrier! The more ideas and plans we get the better we perform in school. We are all basically just there to make our school better because this is our school.