Shervyne's Poetry (2)

By  Shervyne Yapcolin
April 19, 2024

Swimming in the sea

i'm scared of what I can't see on my back.

the direction i refuse to look and see.

i kept on swimming,

swimming faster to avoid what i can’t see

the faster i swim, the farther i am from the danger

that’s what i thought. 

but as i kept swimming faster,

it's drowning me faster.

it’s not the danger that is drowning me

well, not anymore.

it’s me trying to run from the danger i’ve never seen

danger that i felt on my own. 

but i’m more terrified with the danger i felt

rather than drowning. 

so i kept on swimming,

faster and faster.

but i couldn’t find where the sea ends,

nor the beginning of the shore.

Triangle and its pointy ends

a triangle that lives in a town of circles

even though the triangle didn’t do anything,

it could easily be spotted in the town of circles.

the triangle didn’t like being a triangle.

the triangle thought that everything was its fault,

because of its pointy ends.

the triangle wanted to become a circle.

trying to become a circle, 

the triangle kept rolling down the hill.


the triangle wishes it could turn back time and return to the past.

but the triangle can’t stop rolling,

because it has already become a full circle