Student Profile - Rittiya Thach

By Alice Pham
April 24, 2024

Rittiya has come a long way to become who she is now. She is an amazing representation of a leader as she came from being trapped to helping out around the school, creating new ideas, and producing quality work. During her freshman year in Furness, it was hard for her to express herself. She would isolate herself from others, keeping her circle small. She grew up to have social anxiety due to her lack of social skills. She later started to take initiative and joined the student council during her sophomore year, where she contributed tremendous ideas and creativity. She helped with tours for the incoming freshmen, organized the IMC, made flyers to showcase our work, and came up with many important suggestions that would benefit the Furness community and their events; suggestions which later led to an increased satisfaction and participation rate on some major events.

As her sophomore year went by, she allowed herself to embrace her uniqueness and inner child rather than hiding it from the public. This improved her social skills as she started to become more open and social towards others. Additionally, being involved with the student council has helped enhance her problem-solving and leadership skills. Whether it’s making posters, flyers, or videos, she implements her creativity and determination into her work and produces strong results. 

We all need a Rittiya in our lives; someone who can keep us organized and take on various tasks to better our community. We can aspire to be like her by trying and daring ourselves to explore new activities to do in school and offer help in any way we can to other students and teachers.

Rittiya presently works as an eyelash specialist and hopes to start her own business doing lashes in the near future. Although business has been on her mind for a while now, she has always been open to exploring multiple occupations and majors such as dental work. Although the future is unknown, we can be sure that she will be welcomed and appreciated in any path she takes.