Mr. Depasquale, a Leader In Math And Life

By Adrian Lescano
April 17, 2024

Mr. Depasquale, the teacher beloved by many students, almost didn’t become a teacher. Mr. Depasquale originally wanted to become a financial advisor. From the very start, he was using numbers and the universal language of math.

While still in university, his wife gave birth to his son. Things changed, and he had to get a job quickly. He saw that Philadelphia was hiring teachers. This seemed to be a good opportunity for Mr. Depasquale, so he applied to The University of Penn, which offered him a full scholarship. He said, “It is something you can’t turn down.” He studied and gave his all for his son and family. All of this led him to work in our high school, Furness.

Mr. Depasquale encourages students like us to become teachers the same way he encourages his son to teach as well. He says working with younger people can be enjoyable. They think differently which makes the job not boring. You also get to talk about something you know and like, and get paid for it. He says, “You also get summer months off. It gives you time for you. For the things you like.” When you are an adult you lose this privilege, unless you’re a teacher. It also pays well long-term. The last, and most important, reason to become a teacher is that this is one of the few jobs that can change a person’s life.

Our algebra teacher lives through this meaningful thought: “The purpose of life is to just be a good person.” He used to believe the purpose of life was to be happy but when he changed his way of thinking, it all changed for the better. Depasquale says many decisions throughout his life were based on doing good and being good. He prefers his students to be good people than to be anything else out there. “When you are good to people, help them out, that will give you peace.”